Manifestation 101
It's no secret that I've become obsessed with manifestation over the last 9 months, and for good reason. We're always manifesting technically, and while throughout my life I definitely manifested some dreams and things I wanted, many of the dreams were 'settling' versions of what the actual dream was, many were only manifested in part, and overall it was pretty hit or miss, as I didn't know what was working and what wasn't.
Since learning how manifestation actually works, the steps, and developing my own practice, I've not only realized most of my actual, seemingly 'too good to be true' dreams, I've called many of them that I wanted for this season of my life in, and many others I'm well on my way to!
Some things I've manifested:
An incredibly beautiful, healthy relationship with a partner who not only spoils me, is incredibly loving, thoughtful and supportive, goes above and beyond for me, is my best friend, and honestly such a perfect fit for me!
Double to Tripling my month income.
A gorgeous penthouse apartment with an ocean view in an area I absolutely love living! Santa Monica's weather is perfect pretty much every single day, there's so many beautiful, upscale spots for us to work and eat, and everything we need is within walking distance (we love walking places, as former New Yorker's and wellness minded people!).
A next level version of myself and my life that's more empowered, fun, luxurious, fulfilled, and aligned than ever before!
And so many more smaller things, like an all expenses paid trip when I was feeling burned out and in need of adventure and escape, to a hair supplement showing up in a PR gifting after not loving my thinning hair and decided I wanted it to grow back.
Some took a lot of time and intention, some just happened because the more you do this work, the higher you vibrate and the more you're a match for attracting amazingness and what you want!
The Steps of Manifestation
Step 1 - Get Clear and Decide
What do you want? Get super clear! Make a list, and don't play small. Decide that this is now what you get to have, the universe is bringing it into your reality in the right way at the right time!
Step 2 - Remove Blocks
Any thoughts or beliefs (thoughts that are deeply engrained) that come up that aren't excitement about what you decided you get to have are blocks (or what a lot of people call 'limiting beliefs') that need to be removed. Express them, ask if they're ultimately true, and realize they never are. They get to go!
Step 3 - Replace and Affirm
What's a better thought? Ultimately you want to think the opposite of the limiting beliefs, but if you're struggling to get behind it, just pick a thought that's better. (Ex: "None of my relationships have ever worked out, I'll be single forever." ideally gets to change to "I'm going to have a beautiful happy relationship with the person of my dreams". Sometimes it's hard to just jump to that and become a vibrational match for it because you can't even imagine it, so while you work on that, pick a better thought you can get behind, like: "My future relationships will be better than my past".) Keep picking better and better thoughts till they're completely aligned with having what you want!
Step 4 - Become a Vibrational Match
Feel the feelings (Meaning, imagine how would you feel if that thought were true? Sit in how that that would feel) of the new thought being true. Then feel the feelings of the better thought. Ultimately you want to be feeling the feelings of having everything you listed out being completely true and better than you could have imagined!
Step 5 - Release
Release your attachment to what you want and how + when it shows up (while it's ok to want a specific thing or person it's important to not be attached and to be open to a better one!!). Clingy and needy energy push it away and block you!
Step 6 - Take Inspired Action
Ask for guidance and listen to what you feel called to do next. It is sometimes completely unrelated to what you are manifesting! If you're truly releasing you'll not be doing things 'to make' your manifestation happen, you'll be following your flow and bliss, what feels aligned in every moment and situation!
Step 7 - Receive
Receive when it comes! Sometimes it's a project that will create your manifestation, sometimes it's the actual manifestation. Write down when you receive to help you stay in faith for future manifestations!
I'd love to hear what you're manifesting, and when you manifest it! Share below, along with any questions!