NYFW Recap — Day 5
Happy Wednesday loves! I cannot believe I am leaving tomorrow for France! Ahhhh! Literally a dream come true! But, we're still recapping NYC, so here goes for day 5!
Velvet Blazer :: 1.State (similar here) | Embellished Tee :: TopShop | Gingham Pants :: Lovers + Friends | Pumps :: Vivienne Hu
NYFW Recap | Day 5
Day 5 started out with an even at Trachtenberg where I had delicious matcha oreo rolled ice cream (my first time trying rolled ice cream and it was amazing!!) Their events are always so much fun, so many fun products to try, cute photo opps, and delicious foods!
Next was a fitting for the Vivienne Hu show the next day, where I got the most fabulous pants, awesome sunnies, and beautiful coat ever!!! I'm about to go snag more of her sunnies because they're that amazing!
After, I packed up to leave the Chatwal, my second hotel for the trip. It was SO beautiful and I was so sad to leave! The bathroom was total #goals with big beautiful tub and heated toiled seat (tmi? maybe, but like, it's one of the best inventions ever haha!), the room was a spacious and beautiful, and the staff was wonderful! This photo was taken at one of their fabulous restaurants!
After I moved hotels, it was off to an event with Biore, another event with Samsung, and then the Black Panther Presentation! The line for the black panther was insane, but the looks for the presentation were pretty neat!
Then I wrapped up the night with two amazing girls - Lavenda from @lavendascloset and Katie from @wanderabode. Seriously so sweet with gorgeous accounts!! We had dinner at Barbuto, and it was fabulous! More on that in my restaurant recap soon tho!!
That's all for now, as I've got a lot of packing to do, but stay tuned for day 6 going live on Friday!