
Hello Lovelies!

Happy Wednesday/Hump-Day! Every week I find so many inspiring things online, and starting this week, I'm going to start sharing some of them with you! They'll be all kinds of things, from reads that make you reflect, outfits that make you swoon, homes that make you dream, and all sorts of other things that make your week a bit more interesting and help pass those mid-week blues. I'll be posting on Wednesdays and using the hashtag #wednesdaywhimsy.  Thanks so much for stopping by, and hope you enjoy!



  1. Silk Dress & Blush Love:


 2. My dream home!  I absolutely love the color palette and the luxe & feminine yet comfy & down to earth style:

Click Here

 3. Tips on how to organize your closet:

Click Here

 4. A beautiful way to camp:


 5. Breakfast Bowl Beauty:

Click Here

6. Some very helpful life hacks:

Click Here

7. Since I'm a bit obsessed with white lately, as you probably have noticed if you've been following the blog these past few weeks, here is some white shoe inspo: 


Photo Credit: @stylizmoblog


Style Diary — Camel & Black


Style Diary — Bell Sleeves, Loafer Slides & a GIVEAWAY!