Yves Durif Salon Part 1 - What I Learned from My Sage Colorist

Reading about Yves Durif in the NY Times!

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

I laughed, I cried, and I left feeling like a new person...  and looking like one too!  New Yorkers joke that taxis are your therapists, but I think hair salons are where it's at.  I kid, but I seriously can't believe how amazing I left feeling on the inside as well as the outside today.  And because of that, I hope to make it back to the Yves Durif Salon as often as possible.

Everyone was so kind, talented, and attentive, but especially inspirational.From the managing director, Robin, who has the class, charm, and beauty of Julia Roberts, to the vivacious Parisian, Yves, who founded the salon and works magic with his scissors, to the lovely David, who brought me to tears with his sage advice (that came at the perfect time) and inspirational outlook on life that left me feeling so uplifted and empowered, to Sarah who imparted all kinds of hair knowledge, to all of the other staff I encountered, the salon is full of the most lovely people you could hope to spend your afternoon with.  It was apparent that they not only loved what they did, they truly cared about the people they were serving.  (Ps- they also serve Whispering Angel... just saying 😜)

I'll dive into the makeup and hair component in the next post, but I spent most of the rest of today thinking on the conversation I had with David.  We chatted for about an hour while he painted on my balayage and during that hour we chatted about so many things from the difference in our generations and what things millennials need to learn vs. what they can teach, qualities it takes to be successful, and also that inner voice that we listen to, sometimes without even knowing it, that influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions.  His comments were consistently positive, insightful, and brimming with gratitude and joy.

After chatting a while, and hearing his story of becoming the joyful and successful person he is, I had to ask him to share one of the most important lessons/pieces of wisdom he'd learned along to way, which is how we ended up on that little voice inside our head.  He told me that one of the most important things he learned to do was to recognize that voice in all of our heads... you know, the one that tells us not to go on that date because we look fat, or not to pursue a dream because we're not good enough, or that we won't get the job because 'xyz', and be able to shut it off and ignore it.

It really hit me, because I'd been listening to that voice SO much the last few days, and have so much over the course of my life, mostly without even consciously realizing it.   And that's what makes it so tricky to recognize sometimes.  Most of what it says is like a reel that has been playing over and over for years, to the point that we actually believe some of what it says and don't even know what's going on.  I grew up constantly being told I wasn't good enough, being compared to others and told to be more like them, yet also being told I could never be like them.  I had a lot of issues by the time I was 20, went through a lot of counseling that helped so much, but here were are years down the road and I was listening to that voice today.  I've gotten much better, but I was letting that voice win this week, as I was talking myself out of accepting an amazing opportunity because I felt like it was too good for me and I didn't deserve it, even though the other party clearly didn't feel that way and Ross and every friend I talked to told me I was nuts for thinking that (lovingly of course).

Thinking back, it scares me how many things I've let those voices prevent or nearly prevent me from doing, especially relating to my blog.  The times I almost started my blog and didn't, and then after I finally started it and almost quit it, all of those times were because I was letting that voice (which maybe is just my inner insecurity?) convince me I wasn't good enough.  And can you imagine if I had actually listened!?  This has been one of the best things to happen to me; I get to make a living doing something I love, feel fulfilled by my work, travel, meet incredible people... I would have lived with SO much regret if I'd let myself listen.  What about you guys?  What things are you doing or not doing because you're believing that voice?  The biggest parts of making dreams come true are actually just chasing them and a lot of hard work, NOT talent, good looks, or being 'good enough' (whatever the voice in my head thinks that means).  I hope you guys are as encouraged and empowered as I was leaving David's chair... don't let lies, doubts, and insecurities be the reason you don't take your life and dreams by the reigns and give it all you got!

Part II Coming soon, with photos of my hair, products that were amazing, the makeup techniques Julio taught me, and more...




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