10 Hacks for Setting Yourself Up for Success

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

Happy Thursday guys!  If you remember my Insta-story from a week or so ago (actually maybe it was about 2 weeks ago at this point... the weeks are flying by so fast lately and I can't seem to keep track, haha!), then you probably remember that I was feeling a bit down and discouraged about blogging.  And while I shared a little bit of my thoughts and how I got myself back to feeling inspired and motivated again, I wanted to go a bit more in-depth and dedicate a whole blog post to sharing things to do when feeling discouraged.

I was going to title this along those lines... something like 'how to get un-discourgaed' (although hopefully I would have come up with something a little less awkward sounding than that, haha).  However, the more I wrote this post, the more I realized that these were all things that successful people do to attract success.  I also think that reading about things to  do to be successful will put anyone who reads this in a much better state of mind than anything mentioning discouragement.  And that's the point of this post, to encourage, motivate, and inspire. I truly believe that perspective is of incredible importance, as is being positive, and sometimes even just how you word something makes a world of difference.

While I'm obviously writing these hacks in regards to blogging and my experience with that, most of these tips (if not all of them), can be applied to any area of life or set of goals...from fitness, to work, to a new skill you're working on cultivating.  I truly hope these tips are encouraging & helpful for you!  Let me know in the comments what you think, and if you have any other great tips you think I should consider!

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

  1. Reflect on the Why - Why are you blogging?  What got you started?  I find that going back to why I started blogging in the first place helps me remember what I love about it.  Stopping to reflect regularly is such a good habit to get into.  It can be easy to just go through the motions day to day, but it's hard to keep motivation for anything if you don't remember why you're doing it!

  2. Re-inspire Regularly - Who do you look up to & why?  I love going back to the bloggers who originally inspired and motivated me to start blogging!  It never fails to help bring back the magic into blogging.  I find regularly checking their IGs and perusing Pinterest keeps me inspired and excited about blogging.  Another plus?  Most of the girls I follow are also major boss-babes and hustlers, so even if I'm not feeling down or uninspired, I still leave their pages feeling motivated to work harder at my goals and dreams!

  3. Don't Compare - "Comparison is the thief of joy" couldn't be more accurate.  While it's important to stay inspired, it's also important to not compare yourself or your journey with others.  There is a fine balance between admiring someone else & comparing, and I actually think keeping that balance is a skill that needs to be learned.  The second you go from admiring to comparing, you're on a fast track to feeling bad. Everyone's journey is different, and don't forget, the grass is always greener...or at least it appears to be...

  4. Be aware of Perfectionism - Perfectionism is another thing that can quickly take you from excited about what you're doing to feeling discouraged and ready to give up.  For me, it sort of is like comparison, but comparison with the idea in my head of what/how I should be/look.  If you let it drive your thinking and actions too much, it will suck the joy out of what you're doing, as you'll be left always feeling inadequate and like a failure.  That can be paralyzing!  This post is getting published later than planned for that very reason... I spent too much time obsessing over whether or not it was good enough.  Yes, excellence is important, but don't need to be perfect to be successful.  You just need to do your best, and do it with conviction.

  5. Build Community - This is so important for staying sane!  I'm so thankful to have made so many amazing friends through blogging... I really don't know where I would be without them! It's really hard to go through the 'downs' in life alone.  Sometimes just talking out what you're feeling with a friend who understands (and maybe is feeling the same way!) is all it takes to get you feeling better and motivated again!

  6. Ask Questions - There is nothing wrong with asking about things you don't know, or even asking for help.  In fact, it's smart to do both.  Especially with blogging... it's such a new industry, I don't know how on earth you learn some things unless it's from other blogger teaching you!  I know sometimes bloggers don't like to share what they know - I've had numerous messages on Insta DM over the last year or so receive the 'seen' stamp and never get a reply.  And sometimes people forget... I can be very scattered and forget to reply to messages more than I'd like to admit (if I ever do not reply, please just message me again!  it's never intentional!).  But honestly, if people want be secretive and refuse to help others out, then that is on them and they're 100% going to miss out on the blessings of helping out a fellow human.  I'm very grateful for all the women who did answer my questions!  I've learned so much from kind people, and I hope/try to give back as much as I can!  But if you are feeling stuck on something, ask another blogger for tips on whatever you're stuck on!  Even if they dont have an answer, maybe you can bond over trying to figure it out together!

  7. Take breaks - This is something I'm learning more recently.  When you have goals and dreams and you love working towards them, it can be really hard to take time off.  But working 7 days a week for months on end will leave you feeling so burnt out, it will actually start to kill your love for what you're doing.  Its may seem like working all the time is necessary for staying in the game, or even that there is too much to do to take a break.  I can guarantee you though, that you will get much more done, and will probably even do it better if you're mentally/emotionally healthy and rested.  I find I'm much less efficient and my content isn't as good if I'm burnt out as I create it!

  8. Be Positive - Honestly, I think most of us grossly underestimate the power of our minds and mindsets.  You attract what you think; and if you have a hopeful and positive spirit, that will shine through in how you go about your day, how you make decisions, how you interact with people...  As a Christian, I believe we are called to live with hope, expecting good things from our Heavenly Father.  But I don't live like I believe that anywhere near as much as I should.  Instead, worry & anxiety often set in, which most definitely affects how I live and how productive I am.  Positivity breeds confidence, productivity, and so many other great things!  I popped a great quote below related to this point!

  9. Be Patient - Good things take time!  Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was Aimee Song or any other amazingly successful person!  You're no exception, and if you try to be, you'll either make bad decisions or loose all the joy of doing what you're doing.  If you're working hard consistently, you'll get where you're supposed to be at the right time.

  10. Enjoy the Journey - It's funny how lot of these things are related to and even contingent on each other.  If you're staying positive and being patient, you'll be able to take breaks, pursue excellence without putting too much pressure on yourself, and appreciate other people's success and work without feeling like you need to measure up.  It will also free you up to do something incredibly important - enjoy the journey!  Life is not a rat race to the finish line of some goal.  If that's how you're living, you'll end up feeling like life is meaningless as soon as you achieve your goals, or you'll eventually feel so discouraged if you keep running towards them and they always seem out of reach.  Enjoy each moment, invest in people and relationships, and thank God for the blessing that each day is!

"I have for many years endeavored to make this vital truth clear; and still people marvel when I tell them that I am happy. They imagine that my limitations weigh heavily upon my spirit, and chain me to the rock of despair. Yet, it seems to me, happiness has very little to do with the senses. If we make up our minds that this is a drab and purposeless universe, it will be that, and nothing else. On the other hand, if we believe that the earth is ours, and that the sun and moon hang in the sky for our delight, there will be joy upon the hills and gladness in the fields because the Artist in our souls glorifies creation. Surely, it gives dignity to life to believe that we are born into this world for noble ends, and that we have a higher destiny than can be accomplished within the narrow limits of this physical life.” ~ Helen Keller

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes

10 Tips for being Successful | Silk Lace Cami, Snuggly Cardi, Gucci Bag, Star Studded Red Valentino Shoes


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