The Meaning Behind My Tattoos
Personal | The Meaning Behind My Tattoos
Tattoos... I have fallen in love with them. I love tasteful ones with meaning, and now have 8 of them I absolutely love. I've always loved aesthetics, and to me, they're a form of art while also being incredibly meaningful. My comma tattoo and forte tattoos, probably being the most.
I got all of them within the last year, which sounds crazy, but growing up and in my last relationship, I wasn't allowed to, so I had so many I'd wanted for a while. Honestly, I felt it seemed silly to wait 'just because' it seemed fast to get so many. So often we do things because of what others will think or what's been deemed normal or smart without actually thinking them through ourselves... Fully thinking through and coming to my own conclusions has been a major change I've made in 2020 that I've loved. I don't do or say things I don't fully believe in (to the best of my ability, obviously).
Anyway, I logged some serious ink time this year and often get asked about what my tattoos are, where they are, and what their meaning is, so I thought I'd do a blog post on it! Would love your guys' thoughts or any tattoos stories/meanings of your own!
1) Cross
My faith is incredibly important to me, as is having a faith (vs fear) mindset, so this tiny single needle on the inside of my left arm near my elbow was a meaningful but fun first taste of tattoos. It was symbolic of me trusting God and my gut that everything would work out while stepping out into the unknown and a very scary, uncertain season.
2) Bird Taking Flight
This is my only non-single needle tattoo, and yes, it hurt. It's on my left ribcage right under my boob, so it's not one that many people have seen, which I love (also why I don't have a pic for this one ;) ). I got it with one of my besties, Yogev, who was a solid and steadfast friend throughout a season where I was super emotional and struggling to stay in a faith mindset. For me, it symbolized finally spreading my wings and being free, after living controlled by people in my life and the fear of other people's opinions for so long.
3) Comma
This tattoo is so meaningful to me partly because of the growth and lessons that fueled it, and partly because I see it so often it reminds me of them and how I want to think and live. I felt a huge lesson God was teaching me was how things or relationships may seem hopeless/impossible to come back from or even end, but they're just a tiny part of our story and His plan for our life: a comma in a sentence, a chapter in a book. And that often, that next phrase, next chapter, is so much better and more aligned than we could have hoped. In short, it's a constant reminder for me to trust and be patient.
4) Faith Over Fear
This one is more face value, but switching from a fear to faith mindset this year was a huge uphill battle I made major headway on this year. It's one of those things that so much of our thinking & many of our choices can be traced back to; whichever one you are living out of has a huge affect on your life. While I don't get to see it as much as my comma, as it's on the outer side of my right arm near my wrist, it's one of my favorite and IMO most aesthetic tattoos, and I love what it means to me.
5) Lotus
This tattoo wasn't actually one I'd wanted or planned for a while, but an inspiration I found from stranger turned friend. I was on my first 'solo' trip - I went alone and literally only spent time with myself (save an hour after meeting this lovely woman and her daughters at a restaurant). Btw - I *highly* recommend... it's so important to be happy alone and capable of spending time with yourself before you add another person to the mix, and this was a test of that for me. 4 days in Miami solo, and it was a very healing, reflective, and peaceful trip. But back to the tattoo - she had just gotten a few, including a lotus, and after I learned what it meant, I knew it was one I wanted. The lotus symbolizes beauty that grows and flourishes in murky waters, which resonated with me so deeply. The prior year had been incredibly hard, especially going through with my divorce, yet it had been one of the best and most growth and healing filled years for me yet. I have it on my left wrist and love it.
6) Forte
This is probably my most asked about tattoo,,, the f stands for forte, which in Italian means 'strong'. It's actually one of the most common symbols in music, meaning stronger (volume-wise), aka louder. Some of you may know, but if not, I have my undergrad and masters in piano performance and pedagogy, so music is something I always feel deeply connected to, That and how this last year showed me that I actually am incredibly strong, much more than I usually think or give myself credit for, is the meaning behind this one. I get to see it a lot as it's on my inner right wrist, and it constantly reminds me of that when I'm doubting or feeling inadequate!
7) NYC Skyline
Ah, New York, New York. I've always been enamored by the city, begging to visit as often as possible. I spent a few days a week commuting from the Philly area for a while, before finally making the move last fall, and while things surrounding the move were not ideal, I couldn't be happier now. I used to be told I wanted too much and to be content... I suppressed it for so long, until spending so much time here. I feel at home. I do have sky high dreams and ambitions, I love the hustle and bustle, the open-minded and diverse culture, and the insatiable energy and desire to grow. I healed, finally understood & began to love myself, and grew so much here. It's been transformational, and a city and I adore living in. I always want to remember how transformational this city has been for me, hence the tattoo on my right arm just above my elbow.
8) Wave
This was more of a fun tattoo, not as much meaning, but one I still really wanted. I love the water and the ocean, for me, I feel really connected to God and at peace. I have some of my best times reflecting, healing and learning by the water, and just feel at home there (almost as much as NYC... I hope to have a home by some ocean someday too). It also serves as a reminder to me to stay fluid and go with the flow of where God's leading my, when I'm getting too attached to my own agenda. I wanted to celebrate it and its significance for me with a tiny tattoo on my left outer ankle.